honked back 07 Feb 2025 22:10 -0500
in reply to: https://infosec.exchange/users/FritzAdalis/statuses/113965272184289938
honked back 07 Feb 2025 22:10 -0500
in reply to: https://infosec.exchange/users/FritzAdalis/statuses/113965272184289938
Such a wonderful evening to catch up on lkml.
Does insane in the membrane imply a level of sanity? Like, don't worry, it's just the membrane that's crazy, the cortex is still rational. Because, to be honest, it doesn't really sound reassuring.
The Bezos Post tries to deny that Goodell scripts the NFL season. https://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/2025/02/07/nfl-rigged-chiefs-super-bowl/
DZ: severe weather
42 and mostly cloudy. Look out!DZ: severe weather
Did Big Turtle pay for this? https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2025/02/07/trump-plastic-straws/78330750007/
Friday FMK: Amanda Beckett
Laney Boggs
Kat Stratford
Amelia Earhart is never seen again after flying into the polar vortex. (From the pitches rejected by an overbearing editor.)
honked back 07 Feb 2025 11:54 -0500
in reply to: https://lain.com/objects/b7af8ac3-43df-48fc-a166-40c1442ff52b
Kids these days will scribble damn near anything on the bathroom walls.
A world divided into haberdashers and habernotdashers.
honked back 05 Feb 2025 15:20 -0500
in reply to: https://honk.petersanchez.com/u/petersanchez/h/D2yMtbJGmCMgTN7x4D
New band name: ideological fog bank
Okay, wtf is this, Neil deGrasse Tyson is explaining the physics of the tush push.
Now that section 31 are the heroes keeping us safe, I think we need a sequel to a few good men where colonel jessep's unorthodox command saves the world.
honked back 04 Feb 2025 01:11 -0500
in reply to: https://aklp.club/objects/ea141096-1e35-42c1-a6f1-ce252b0913e8
So is there a very large contingent of Star Trek fans unknown to me that were crying out for a slapstick fifth element knockoff? How can section 31 be explained?
honked back 03 Feb 2025 17:21 -0500
in reply to: https://honk.tedunangst.com/u/tedu/h/TDVlRF2TWf13vzc5J1
"IT was the most horrible, the most repellent thing she had ever seen, far more nauseating than anything she had ever imagined with her conscious mind, or that had ever tormented her in her most terrible nightmares."
People don't properly appreciate that the villain in a wrinkle in time is IT. "I've been reprocessed once and that was more than enough. And I don't want to get sent to IT. I've never been to IT and I can't risk having that happen."
Oh, wait, hold on, civ 7 removed nuclear weapons? Cancel the preorder!
Haha, I love seeing this bug show up everywhere. It will be the year 2070 and we still won't have event listeners that fire once and only once.
There are some instances (like in the religion panel) where mouse wheel scrolling simultaneously scrolled the list in the panel while also zooming the map view behind it.
Space time for six year olds.
Data broker? I need a data fixer.
honked back 02 Feb 2025 16:51 -0500
in reply to: https://mstdn.io/users/sjb/statuses/113936339717236877
What happens when the alpha dogs go on vacation. https://www.wsj.com/lifestyle/pool-chairs-vacation-resorts-lounge-seating-d9032e27
The 69-year-old salesman rises at 4 a.m., clips a light to his baseball cap and heads out. Each guest is only allowed to reserve two chairs and someone must be present or the items placed to claim chairs are removed by the attendant who patrols at 6 a.m. and 7 a.m. Pope sets up shop, using his makeshift headlamp to read magazines or do work. It’s pitch black, he said, except for the light emitting from other guests’ phones and laptops—and the moon.
Read Crank by Ellen Hopkins which by the cover looks like the novelization of Crank by Jason Statham. It is not. It's about a girl's addiction to meth, told in free verse, which I was wary of, but it reads fast and easy. The stream of consciousness conveys her state of mind without getting too jumbled. Would recommend to unhappy thought enjoyers. Banned in Utah!
honked back 02 Feb 2025 14:28 -0500
in reply to: https://infosec.exchange/users/lcamtuf/statuses/113935349663666992
Apple AI made a honker for me.