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tedu rss

Purveyor of modest software.

tedu honked 26 Jul 2024 16:33 -0400

Author Albert Jack claimed in his 2008 book Pop Goes the Weasel: The Secret Meanings of Nursery Rhymes that there were two other verses supporting this claim. Elsewhere, he claimed to have found them in an "old dusty library, [in] an even older book", but did not state what the book was or where it was found.

tedu honked 25 Jul 2024 23:47 -0400

Starting the weekend early by reinstalling windows. (Surface pro 4 I found in the parts closet.)

tedu honked 25 Jul 2024 21:52 -0400

UPS (power supply) long term review

Power outages prevented: 0 (Both incidents I'm aware of lasted far longer than the battery, so technically I did get another hour of time to snark about the outage, but really pretty inconsequential.)

Power outages caused: 1 (It just died. Pushing power button causes it it start a power up count down, but when it hits zero it just resets back to 10.)

tedu honked back 25 Jul 2024 20:51 -0400
in reply to: https://hachyderm.io/users/EndlessMason/statuses/112849695901766872

@EndlessMason the messages aren't too bad IF you special case them. They're signed by the deleted account, which the recipient has never heard of, so the first thing you do is go back to the origin to fetch the key, which is now gone. There's an old issue in the github whenever an admin tried a cleanup, they'd DOS their own server by all the recipients pinging back, because it sends it to every server it's ever heard, which is probably 100x the normal servers you'd normally push to.

There's also an unfixed bug where delete messages get stuck in sidekiq and resent endlessly until the server is rebooted.

Mostly it's the principle than the actual load. It doesn't bother me, but it's one of the factors that make running a server more expensive than it should be.

tedu honked 25 Jul 2024 19:04 -0400

I appear to be averaging 0.03 qps (2500 hits per day) for flak; bots, scrapers, etc. included. Approximately 20% of that is mastodon telling me about every time a user deletes their account.

So if mastodon fixed their software to be less stupid, I could cut 20% off my hosting bill. Or something, right?

tedu honked 25 Jul 2024 18:14 -0400

I will never stop thinking revision control system whenever someone says RCS.

tedu bonked 25 Jul 2024 17:14 -0400
original: GossiTheDog@cyberplace.social

Yet again, somebody at a security vendor - a different one this time - is phoning around my ex employers trying to find out where I work, presumably so they can complain about my toots.

tedu honked 25 Jul 2024 16:24 -0400

Ok, full disclosure, I also complain about the golang proxy hammering my server at 0.0001 qps, but "that's different".

tedu bonked 25 Jul 2024 16:18 -0400
original: danluu@mastodon.social

What's up with execs complaining that people are using their website at objectively low rates?

We previously discussed the CTO & CEO of Discourse ($21M raised) getting mad at 0.5 QPS, calling this "an attack", etc. : https://mastodon.social/@danluu/111064835112616061.

Now, the CEO of iFixit (supposedly ~$50M/yr revenue) calls 11 QPS, "abuse", saying "you're tying up our devops resources", implying it's reasonable for a $50M/yr regularly viral web property to need significant intervention if traffic increases by 11 QPS.

Since discourse employees are now dropping in to inform me that the Bing thing is fixed, with the implication that Bing was at fault because Bing fixed the issue.

I know. The thing about the Bing issue is that, in response to Bing crawling at 0.5 QPS, leadership banned Bing and, in response to comments that this would cause problems, said things like "No, the nuclear option is what we want here."

The justifications were that 0.5 QPS of crawler traffic was causing discourse to lose customers

Kyle Wiens

Hey @AnthropicAI
: I get you're hungry for data. Claude is really smart! But do you really need to hit our servers a million times in 24 hours?

You're not only taking our content without paying, you're tying up our devops resources. Not cool.

If any of those requests accessed our terms of service, they would have told you that use of our content expressly forbidden. But don't ask me, ask Claude!

If you want to have a conversation about licensing our content for commercial use, we're right here.

[screenshots of asking Claude about violating the terms of service for a site]

Eric Holscher:
Yea, they were hammering us over at @readthedocs
 as well. We were planning to write a blog post on it, since this behavior is definitely gonna get all AI crawlers blocked because of abuse, not even because of the copyright issues.

Kyle Wiens
xactly! They're shooting themselves in the foot.

tedu honked 25 Jul 2024 16:16 -0400

"12qps would be a significiant load for my RPI3B server"

Lolwut, why did you select a rpi server to run a serious business? Maybe the problem lies with your provisioning process.

tedu honked 25 Jul 2024 13:18 -0400

Woah, I was today years old when I learned people have strong thoughts about spelling it whoa.

tedu honked 24 Jul 2024 23:01 -0400

All the outdoor shots in got ham are cloudy and overcast, but all the indoor shots have glorious god rays streaming through the window.

tedu honked 24 Jul 2024 14:03 -0400

CrowdStrike announces every customer to receive a ten honkcoin credit at the #honkstore as compensation for the inconvenience.

tedu honked 21 Jul 2024 22:52 -0400

Interesting artistic choice for house of the dragon to film some of their aerial dragon fights during the day instead of at night in a haze of clouds.

tedu honked 20 Jul 2024 20:40 -0400

Started watching got ham on HBO. Turns out it's a crime drama, not a cooking show, but seems good so far.